Regarding recent controversies

Good day.

It is with great regret that this day had to come, a fateful moment that certain past events chase up to my newfound creator status. Today, I confess to those sins and seek your forgiveness.

(11/12/2024, 8:43am (GMT+8)) Edit: Added a proper apology directed at the affected individual, which I have somehow missed, at the heart of the document.

Get Sanctuary


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Well, a little impressed, having been a fan of yours for quite some time, so keep up the good work and your personal life in order. I send you my regards!

Ícono de validado por la comunidad


While I'm glad you came out with this promptly, I'm still dissapointed in how you're masking this as some sort of dark secret that you're letting go off, making excuses on the way. You erpd a minor for months.

Do better.


It's not hard to not talk to minors inapproriately

It's actually very fucking easy, contrary to what some fuckers might tell you



...On the one hand, coolio, can't wait for chapter 3.... 🙃 ...On the other hand, I'm a non-fur w/zero Fs to give concerning dramallamas, so... Bringing us back to reality... Keep up the good work, really happy with the Android version~ 😇

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

 Well that is a messed up thing to do and stuff wich a lot of people wont like , that did change my impression of you and stuff but im happy that you confessed and you are trying to be a better person! Hopefully many people will understand that you regret doing what you did and accept ur frogiveness. It may take a while for people to forgive you but keep trying!(please dont get the wrong idea that i support pedo or something like that)


Well this is my first impression of this game, going to say this is giving me very mixed feelings. Good luck with that lol